Friday, March 16, 2012


I'm not going to lie; I'm feeling a little discouraged this morning. After five days the scale has not budged AT ALL. I figured I would have at least lost 1/2 a pound by now. I know it's slow in the beginning because my body is gaining muscle mass, but seriously?

Now that discouragement is turning into motivation. Like, extreme, militant motivation. The weight WILL come off. Time to up my game...and my cardio.

My biggest battle: time. I do have a six-month-old, after all, and he requires food, care and some nurturing. And I love every second I spend with him. But if I'm going to do this, I have to carve out time for myself. Even if that means getting up earlier to add in an extra workout. 

What's on the agenda for today? P90X Plyometrics and Ab Ripper X, followed by some jumping rope.

On a side note, I really do not like pilates. I tried; I really did. But pilates is such a tame workout, and it doesn't fit my workout personality. It's so important to find workouts you love doing and aren't going to consider a chore; otherwise you will not stick with them. So, no more pilates for this girl. 

Starting today, one thing I'm also going to start paying more attention to is portion control. I can't be too extreme with calorie-cutting because I'm breastfeeding, but I can certainly watch my portions and try to eat lower-calorie, more filling foods like more fresh veggies.

Have any of you had any experience with trying to cut calories without affecting your milk supply? I'd love to hear your stories!

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