Thursday, November 14, 2013


Riley turned five months old this week, and can I just say, this kid is my mini-me. I mean, look at that face! I feel like I'm staring at my own baby pictures here.

Riley's checkup was Tuesday, and he weighs 15 pounds 4 ounces and is 26 inches long—still 20th percentile in weight and middle of the road for height! But he feels so...sturdy. I'm not used to carrying around such a big baby!

We had a rough week last week, where Riley would turn onto his stomach in his sleep, wake up, freak out...repeat. But now I think he's quite the tummy sleeper. He wakes up happy, lifts his trunk and smiles at me after each nap. Such a charmer, that kid. He still plays with my hair while he drinks his bottle and laughs at pretty much everything his big brother does. Their favorite thing now is when Liam tickles Riley's feet.

In the past month, Riley has dropped from six feedings to four, and from four naps to two long ones. He and Liam now share the afternoon nap, which means I get at least two and a half hours to myself in the afternoon. I'm so happy I could twerk. :)

Riley was completely not interested in solid foods at four months, so I plan to try again next week. (I don't know why I have this need to start new things like that on a Monday, but I do.)

This is such a fun age! I'm loving the roly poly, cuddly baby stage. :)

Some more eye candy:

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


I had the extreme pleasure of capturing a few sweet moments with the Eubanks family this past weekend. Are these not three of the most beautiful children? Dad Cory honorably serves our country in the U.S. Air Force as mom Jandy is busy raising three precious kiddos.

I don't want to spoil their whole surprise when they receive their photos, but I couldn't resist posting a few of my favorites for you to gush over!