Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The pressure's on.

Gosh, writing the first post of a new blog really piles on a lot of pressure. I have so much to say that it's hard to pick one topic to begin with. But, since I recently found out that I'm pregnant, food has become a recent obsession of mine, and I'm more preoccupied with cuisine than ever before. So I'll start with that.

Silly me. I used to think that the majority of pregnant women exaggerated when they mentioned cravings and aversion, or at best used it as an excuse to either gain attention or eat whatever they wanted for nine months. I smugly thought that when I got pregnant, I could just not give in to my temperamental tummy; that I could just WILL myself to eat the foods I needed to, when I needed to eat them. Silly, uneducated me.

This nausea bit is 24/7 with me, and has been going on three weeks now. I'd give anything to have Week 5 back, where I was hungry enough to eat every 2-3 hours, and anything and everything healthy sounded great. I thought to myself, if I'm going to eat like this, I need to get some healthy food options. So what did I do? I made a trip to EarthFare and bought a colorful array of organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and fish. Week 6 rolled around, and I could barely look at it. I tossed the fish in the freezer and watched my brother enjoy the super-healthy trail mix I had made.

Speaking of, I make a mean trail mix, and it's super heart-healthy: pumpkin seeds, chopped walnuts, raw almonds, dried cranberries, and dark chocolate M&Ms. You should definitely try it.

Anyway, I've been humbled. And I'm curious: ladies (and men who paid attention to their wives), what foods did you crave (or hide from) during your pregnancy?

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