Thursday, July 18, 2013

Hey, it's OK...

One of my favorite columns in Glamour magazine is the “Hey, It’s Ok…” page, filled with one-liners to make readers feel a little more human about our shortcomings, so I decided to write my own about my recent experiences with mommyhood:

Hey, it’s OK…

To pretend to go to the restroom, when what you're really doing is sneaking the junk food so your toddler doesn’t see you. You don’t want to set a bad example, after all.

If you consider the television a good babysitter. It’s free, and you don’t have to worry about it stealing from you.

If you don’t wash and sterilize the bottles and breast pump after every use. If manufacturers really meant for you to, they would have made less parts.

To play rock-paper-scissors with your spouse to see who gets up with the baby this time.

If you justify a filthy house by remarking on how you’re building up your family’s immunity. What doesn’t kill you just makes you stronger, right?

If washing your hands is considered a luxury you don't have time for. (See previous item.)

If your to-do list includes “Brush teeth” and “Put on deodorant”…even if they don’t get crossed off by the end of the day.

To write down what you DID do that day, just so you can cross it off. Even if that includes “Feed baby.”

To drive around town with the kiddos for the afternoon so the little one will sleep and the bigger one will stay put for a bit.

If marinara sauce and ketchup count as your child’s daily veggie requirement.

To count graham crackers as a meal. For your tot and for you.

To choose cuddling your sleeping baby over folding laundry.

To choose taking a nap over cuddling your sleeping baby.

If you consider a bathroom break to be quality you-time.

If using a baby wipe counts as a bath. How dirty does a newborn get, anyway?

If your hair care routine consists solely of dry shampoo and hair ties.

To use, "I carried and gave birth to him," as a reason why your husband should take over baby duties. Every. Single. Time.

If you sleep in your makeup just so you don't have to put it on the next day.

What would you add to this list?


  1. I totally love this cuz. I agree with them all, especially the breast pump one and baby wipe baths. :) What I would add to the list based on my experiences with my two boys:

    Hey, it's okay...
    If you leave the kids in diapers all day to cut down on laundry. The newborn spits up on everything and the toddler spills or colors on all his clothes.

    To pretend to be asleep so your husband will get this dirty diaper ;)

    If you stay up until 2 am just so you get some time to yourself.

    If you have some many locks in your house that you feel like you are breaking and entering every time you want a drink from the fridge. At least you aren't hoping up and down every five minutes trying to stop the latest impending mess/disaster.

    To take hundreds of pictures of your kids to make sure you don't forget one special moment.

    To make a big deal out of the kid shows/movies that you like so your child will like them too. (Ex: Despicable Me and all the Toy Stories).

    To bribe your 3 year old with candy so you can get a photo of the boys together.

  2. Deanna, those are so funny! And true. :)
