Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Yesterday marks the 30-week point in my pregnancy, and I have to be honest, I’ve been so restless lately! The third trimester has hit me like a ton of bricks: I’m exhausted again, I’m starting to be pretty uncomfortable, and frequent sciatica flare-ups and aches are abrupt reminders that it’s time to slow down…and I hate having to slow down! I’m ready not to be pregnant anymore; thankfully, my doctor suspects Riley will come around the 37-38 week mark (Liam was born the day I hit 38 weeks), so that only leaves a couple more months to prepare for our newest addition. This week, we found this rug for his room, and I got started on some artwork for the walls:

Easter is probably my favorite holiday, and I’ve enjoyed getting into the spirit this year. My family celebrates Easter as a time to reflect upon the sacrificial and victorious account of Jesus, and in honor of the resurrection, I’ve been listening to this gem that was recorded live at our church back in September. Such a powerful album! Get it on iTunes here, or visit the Web site here.

I love the spiritual symbolism of Easter eggs, and I’d been searching with no luck to find a community egg hunt that would be appropriate for children under 2, so we held one at our house for Liam’s little friends. Only, the weather was yucky outside…so we moved it indoors! What a fun, crazy time! (Although Liam was more excited about eating blueberry muffins than hunting eggs.)

For refreshments, I decided to try a new twist on orange juice with a new recipe for sunrise punch that’s perfect for a breakfast or brunch get-together. It was delicious! If you'd like to try it, just mix together a 46 oz. can of pineapple juice, a 12-oz can of frozen OJ concentrate, and a 2-liter of ginger ale. It's so easy to make.

Our Wednesday morning Baby Praise class also had a small egg hunt this morning during class time. I think Liam had fun, although this time, he was so overjoyed to run around outside that I had to help him focus on hunting eggs.

P.S. Don't you just love his new blazer and hat my mom bought him? I know it's spring, but his new duds are perfect for the cold weather we've been having, and he wears them so well! And who can resist elbow patches on a little boy? 

My husband has the day off Friday, so we're hoping to do something special with Liam. At this point in my pregnancy, reality is hitting me that there won't be too many more moments just the three of us, so I really want to make the most of these next precious weeks with Liam. Did any of you moms feel bittersweet emotions about adding to your brood? What did you do to make the transition easier for your firstborn?

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